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Her Movie-of-the-Week appearances include From Here to Eternity, Tomorrow's Child, Portrait of A Mistress, The Grace Kelly Story, etc. Law, MacGyver, Cagney and Lacey, Gunsmoke, and many more. Jens ' numerous television appearances include episodes of L.A. She has performed both classics and new plays at Los Angeles' Mark Taper Forum, L.A.T.C., and this past season appeared in Chekhov 's The Seagull and Play Strindberg by Dürrematt. She played the lead roles in Joe Papp's production of A Winter's Tale, and Anthony and Cleopatra at the Stratford Festival in Connecticut. Jens was a charter member of Elia Kazan's company at Lincoln Center where she starred in After the Fall, Tartuffe, But For Whom Charlie and later under Jules Irving 's direction, Mary Stuart and Ride Across Lake Constance. Her Off-Broadway credits include Eugene Ionesco's Bald Soprano and Jack or the Submission, Jose Quintero's award winning production of Circle in the Square's The Balcony, as well as Desire Under the Elms and A Moon For the Misbegotten, Shadow of Heroes, Deirdre of the Sorrows, U.S.A., among others.

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Salome Jens has appeared in lead roles on Broadway in Far Country, Night Life, The Disenchanted, Patriot For Me, A Lie of the Mind.

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